Dr Henry Ealy Speaks about Vitamin D, COVID-19 & More
This is an audio presentation by Dr Henry Early about Vitamin D in relation to COVID-19. Dr Henry Ealy is the Founder & Executive Community
This is an audio presentation by Dr Henry Early about Vitamin D in relation to COVID-19. Dr Henry Ealy is the Founder & Executive Community
This article presents a real world experience in a major food processing corporation in Brazil, with 12,000 employees, where there were increasing COVID-19 infections despite
“Between both of us now, we are close to 5000 positive patients we have seen and treated. Our death rate is 2 out of those
Learn about the best practices for treating older people, at home or in nursing homes, drawing from the practical experience of two of the very
The first part of this article is about prophylaxis for high risk people and about the early treatment of COVID-19 in nursing homes. It relies
Imagine a moment you want to become a trapezist. First thing you need is a safety belt. But it’s not enough. That’s why there is
This article analyzes the new Canadian measure imposing tests, in the country of departure, for all air travel to Canada. It first retraces how this
In Canada, provinces such as Québec, as well as many jurisdictions in other countries, are moving towards stricter lockdowns, and those are embraced by some
Vous pouvez être submergé par la quantité d’informations concernant COVID-19, même lorsque vous visitez covexit.com. D’où l’idée de rassembler les éléments essentiels à savoir dans
You may be overwhelmed by the amount of information regarding COVID-19, even when you visit covexit.com Hence the idea of gathering the “essentials” to know
À des degrés divers, la plupart d’entre nous craignent de voyager en avion. La plupart des gouvernements déconseillent les voyages «non-essentiels». Et nous avons tous
To varying extents, most of us are afraid of flying. Most governments advise against ‘unnecessary’ travel. And we all heard about infections or even small